FFXIV octet band stationed on Primal data center.
Join our discord below for performance updates or booking information!

No Holds Bard is an octet band based out of primal led by Alex Novakovic. Specializing in a variety of styles but focusing mainly on Anime, Rock, and Video Game music. We strive to bring quality music wherever we can, and always seek to improve as musicians. We simply want to share the love of music and hopefully have even one person find themselves enamored with one of the many things we play. If you see us, feel free to reach out to Alex! He is always welcome to chatting about most anything, but ESPECIALLY music. If you'd like to keep up with us for future events, or schedule a booking with us, join our discord below!
Song List
All songs, unless stated otherwise, were edited by Alex Novakovic.
Angel Beats
Ichiban No Takaramono - Girls Dead MonsterAnohana
Secret Base - ZoneAttack On Titan
Guren No Yumiya - Linked HorizonBakemonogatari
Renai Circulation - Kana HanazawaBleach
Clavar La Espada - Shiro Sagisu
Ranbu no Melody - SidCode Geass
COLORS - FlowDemon Slayer
Gurenge - LiSa
Homura - LiSa
Kamado Tanjiro No Uta - Go ShiinaDragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z Medley
Ultimate Battle - Akira Kushida (Super)Fireworks
Uchagi Hanabi - DAOKO × Kenshi YonezuFullmetal Alchemist
Again - YUI
Shunkan Sentimental - SCANDALGoblin Slayer
Rightfully - Mili
Guility Crown
Krone - Hiroyuki SawanoHunter X Hunter
Just Awake - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Hunting For Your Dream - GalneryusJojo's Bizarre Adventure
Bloody Stream - Coda (Part 2)
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town - The Du (Part 4)
Il Vento D’oro - Yugo Kanno (Part 5)
Roundabout - Yes (Part 1)
Stand Proud - Jin Hashimoto (Part 3)Jujustu Kaisen
Lost in Paradise - Aki Feat. AKLOKaguya-sama: Love is War
Daddy Daddy Do - Masayuki SuzukiKonosuba
Chiisana Boukensha - Ryosei Sato
Explosion - Masato Koda
Fantastic Dreamer - Machico
Give Blessings to Us on the Road - Masato KodaI Want to Eat Your Pancreas
Himawari - Mr.Children (Live Action)Made in Abyss
Deep in Abyss - Miyu TomitaMirai Nikki
Kuusou Mesorogiwi - Yousei TeikokuMy Dress Up Darling
Koi No Yukue - Akari AkaseMy Hero Academia
Shout Baby - Ryokuoshoku Shakai
You Say Run - Yuki Hayashi
Blue Bird - Ikimonogakari
Silhouette - Kana-Boon
The Guts To Never Give Up - Yasuharu TakanashiNo Game No Life
This Game - Konomi SuzukiNoragami
Kyouran Hey Kids! - The Oral CigarettesOshi No Ko
Idol - YaosobiOverlord
Clattanoia - OxTRe: Zero
Redo - Suzuki Konomi
Requiem of Silence - Kayou
Styx Helix -Steins;Gate
Christina - Takeshi AboSword Art Online
Crossing Field - LiSaThe Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
God Knows - ENOZTokyo Ghoul
Unravel - Tōru "TK" KitajimaYour Lie in April
Hikaru Nara - Goose House
Nanairo Symphony - CoalamodeYu-Gi-Oh
Girl's Not GreyAll Time Low
Dear Maria, Count Me InAnberlin
Feel Good DragAvenged Sevenfold
A Little Piece of Heaven
Bat Country
The StageBetween the Buried and Me
Foam Born (A) The Backtrack
Selkies, the Endless Obsession
Swim to the Moon
Voice of Trespass
White WallsBlink 182
I Miss YouBring me the Horizon
Pray For Plagues
SleepwalkingChildren of Bodom
Bodom After Midnight
Follow the Reaper
Kissing the ShadowsChiodos
Baby You Wouldn't Last a Minute on the CreekCirca Survive
The Difference Between Medicine and Poison is in the DoseCoheed and Cambria
A Favor House Atlantic
Devil in Jersey City
Welcome HomeCradle of Filth
Nymphétamine FixCute is What We Aim For
The Curse of CurvesDeath From Above 1979
Freeze MeDrowning Pool
BodiesEnter Shikari
Sorry, You're Not a WinnerEscape the Fate
Bleed For Me
TourniquetFall Out Boy
Sugar, We're Going DownFalling In Reverse
Fashionably Late
I'm Not a Vampire
Popular MonsterFinch
Letters to YouFoo Fighters
Monkey Wrench
The PretenderFuneral For a Friend
StreetcarGreen Day
Thank God I'm Not YouIce Nine Kills
A Grave Mistake
Rainy Day
Stabbing in the Dark
The American NightmareIn Flames
Embody the InvisibleKillswitch Engage
Holy Diver
My CurseLinkin Park
Breaking the Habit
Monster MashMotionless in White
Another Life
CyberhexMy Chemical Romance
Thank You For The Venom
Welcome to the Black ParadePanic! at the Disco
Build God then We'll Talk
I Write Sins Not TragediesParamore
Misery BusinessPierce the Veil
Bulls in the BronxPolyphia
Bicycle Race
Bohemian Rhapsody
Don't Stop Me Now
Somebody To LoveRed Hot Chili Peppers
Can't StopRob Zombie
Living Dead Girl
Seven YearsSenses Fail
Calling All CarsSilverstein
Smile In Your SleepSimple Plan
Welcome to My Life
What's New Scooby Doo?Stratovarius
Speed of LightSum 41
Still WaitingSteve Ouimette
Devil Went Down to GeorgiaTaking Back Sunday
You're so Last SummerThe Darkness
I Believe in a Thing Called LoveThe Fall of Troy
Quarter PastThe Killers
Mr. Brightside
Somebody Told MeThe Used
All That I've Got
The Taste of InkThree Days Grace
Time of DyingThrice
Cold Cash and Colder Hearts
Image of the Invisible
Stare at the Sun
The Artist in the Ambulance
The WeightThursday
Understanding in a Car Crash
Video Games
Gehrman, the First Hunter - Tsukasa SaitohCastlevania
Bloody Tears - Kenichi Matsubara (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Chrono Trigger
Battle With Magus - Yasunori Mitsuda
To Far Away Times - Yasunori MitsudaDragon Quest
Dragon Quest Overture (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Verse of Prayer - Koichi SugiyamaF-Zero
Big Blue/Mute City Mash-up - Yumiko KankiFinal Fantasy V
Battle On the Big Bridge - Nobuo Uematsu (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Battle One - Nobuo UematsuFinal Fantasy VI
Dancing Mad All Movements - Nobuo Uematsu
Terra's Theme - Nobuo Uematsu
The Decisive Battle - Nobuo Uematsu (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Final Fantasy VII
Aerith's Theme - Nobuo Uematsu
Tifa's Theme - Nobuo Uematsu
Main Theme - Nobuo Uematsu
Those Who Fight Further - Nobuo Uematsu (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Final Fantasy VIII
The Man With the Machine Gun - Nobuo UematsuFinal Fantasy IX
Vamo Alla Flamenco - Nobuo UematsuFinal Fantasy X
Normal Battle - Nobuo Uematsu
Suteki Da Ne - Nobuo Uematsu
To Zanarkand - Nobuo Uematsu
Yuna's Decision - Nobuo UematsuFinal Fantasy XIII
The Sunleth Waterscape - Masashi HamauzuFinal Fantasy XIV
Answers - Nobuo Uematsu
Dawntrail Theme - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Dragonsong - Nobuo Uematsu
Endcaller - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Endsinger Part 2 - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Finality - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Flash of Steel - Masayoshi Soken
Flow Orchestral Ver. - Masayoshi Soken
Flow Rock Ver. - Masayoshi Soken (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
In the Balance - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Ktisis Hyperboreia - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Radiance - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
Scream - Masayoshi Soken (Husky by the Geek Rock Cover)
To The Edge - Masayoshi Soken (Huskey by the Geek Rock Cover)Final Fantasy XV
Valse Di Fantastica - Yoko Shimomura
Genshin Impact
Never Ending Performance - HOYO-MiX
The Almighty Violet Thunder - HOYO-MiXGuilty Gear
The Disaster of Passion - Daisuke Ishiwatari
Love the Subhuman Self - AISHA (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Hades
The Unseen OnesKingdom Hearts
Dearly Beloved - Yoko Shimomura
Sanctuary - Hikaru Utada
Simple and Clean - Hikaru Utada
The Other Promise - Yoko ShimomuraLuigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion 1 Theme (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Mario
Jump Up, Super Star! - The Super Mario Brothers (Odyssey)
Mario 64 Jazz Medley
Super Mario World Castle (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Super Mario World EndingMegaman
Dr. Wily's Stage - Takashi Tateishi
Spark Man Theme - Yasuaki FujitaMultiple Game Medleys
Bad Guy Ballad (Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Mario Medley)
Nintendo Halloween MedleyNier
Weight of the World - Keiichi OkabePersona
Last Surprise - Shoji MeguroPokemon
Battle! Champion Cynthia - Junichi Masuda (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)
Cassopeia (Scarlet/Violet) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Gym Leader Battle (Sword/Shield) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Marnie's Theme (Sword/Shield) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Pokemon Routes Medley
Team Aqua/Magma Boss Battle - Junichi Masuda (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)
Team Star Battle (Scarlet/Violet) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Trainer Battle (Gold/Silver/Crystal) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Smash Bros
Smash Ultimate Menu Theme - Hideki SakamotoStreet Fighter
Guile's Theme - Yoko ShimomuraTales of Besaria
Velvet's Theme - Motoi SakurabaThe Witcher
Toss a Coin (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Undertale
Hopes and Dreams (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Xenoblade Chronicles
Guar Plains - ACE+
Mechanical Rhythm - ACE+
The Weight of Life - Kenji Hiramatsu
You Will Know Our Names - ACE+ (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Genesis Beyond the Beginning - Ryo Takeshita (YS Origin)
Scarlet Tempest - Ryo Takeshita (YS Origin)Zelda
Ballad of the Goddess - Koji Kondo (Skyward Sword) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Beautiful Hyrule - Koji Kondo
Exterior Hyrule Castle (Breath of the Wild)
Hyrule Castle - Koji Kondo (A Link to the Past)
Overworld Medley
Twinrova - Koji Kondo (Ocarina of Time) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)
Warp Song Medley (Ocarina of Time) (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Orchestral Symphonies
Final Fantasy XV
Omnis LacrimaKingdom Hearts
Organization XIII
Face My Fears
Simple and Clean
Forza Finale
Dearly Beloved
One-Winged Angel
Twlight Town Melody
Don't Think Twice
The Other PromiseIndie Games
Undertale Medley
Celeste Medley
Stardew Valley Medley
Minecraft MedleyMario
Super Mario 64 Medley
Super Mario Galaxy Medley
Super Mario Odyssey MedleyOkami
The Sun Rises - Rei KondoZelda
Ocarina of Time Title Theme
25th Anniversary Medley
Hyrule Temple Melee
Main Theme Medley
Hyrule Field Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of Time Credits
Gerudo Valley
Majora's Mask Medley
Great Fairy Fountain
Windwaker Symphony Movement
Link's Awakening Staff Roll
Spirit Tracks Staff Roll
Twlight Princess Symphony Movement
Kakariko Village
Skyward Sword Staff Roll
Breath of the Wild Medley
Sacred Duet Malladus Battle
Molduga Battle
Tears of the Kingdom Teaser
Tears of the Kingdom Trailer 3
Calamity Ganon Symphony
Ace of Bass
The SignAlanis Morissette
IronicAndrew Gold
Spooky Scary SkeletonsAvril Lavigne
Sk8er BoiBackstreet Boys
EverybodyBilly Joel
Piano ManBlack Eyed Peas
I Gotta Feelin'Britney Spears
ToxicCamille Saint Saens
Introduction and Rhondo CapricciosoChristina Aguilera
HurtDanny Elfman
This is Halloween (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Foster the People
Pumped Up KicksFountains of Wayne
Stacy's Mom
Harry Styles
Late Night TalkingHanson
MmmbopImagine Dragons
BirdsInfected Mushroom
HeavyweightJohnny Cash
Hurt (Nine Inch Nails cover)Justin Timberlake
Cry Me A RiverKaty Perry
Hot N Cold
I Kissed a GirlKelly Clarkson
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)Lady Gaga
PaparazziMaroon 5
Make Me Wonder
This LoveMemes/Other
Happy Birthday Song
Nyan Cat (FamilyJules Rock Cover)Michael Bolton
Go the Distance (Disney's Hercules)
Michael Jackson
Smooth Criminal
ThrillerNo Doubt
Don't SpeakOfficial髭男dism
So WhatRadiohead
CreepRay Parker Jr.
SanteriaThe Oral Cigarettes
5150The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
The Impression That I GetThe Weeknd
Blinding LightsThird Eye Blind
Semi-Charmed LifeWagakki Band
Island in the Sun